In developing OptionRun, the focus was on creating a financial site that would, effortlessly lead the experienced and inexperienced trader to that one common goal of consistent returns.
Our goal is not to up sell memberships, services, seminar or materials. Simply stated, the goal of OptionRun is provide outstanding customer service and a system that delivers exceptional results
The OptionRun system was developed using key elements that will allow members to succeed. Several of these elements are as follow:
Portfolio Optimization: Portfolio Optimization is an indispensable tool for managing risk, structuring and customizing the portfolio in order to fully realize its potential and continuously return gains. This element places special emphasis on formulation, analysis and implementation. All of which are obtained by our hands-on experience with computer modeling languages and our cutting-edge optimization software.
Stochastic Parameter: OptionRun relies on a continuous-time parameter stochastic process, which is used for, determining probability readings within the financial markets.
The Run: The OptionRun proprietary system was designed by the founders and is based on numerous market indicators. The two elements mentioned above, Portfolio Optimization and Stochastic Parameter, in conjunction with OptionRun’s own formula allows the service to provide to members what we have coined as, “The Run”. When experiencing “The Run”, member profits soar. Our system is unique and is designed to, not only, provide tremendous market opportunities within the option markets but to also maximize members results by providing consistent winners with a win to loss average of over 72%.